Fill out our EV charging survey

As part of our 2019 program, we are focusing on EV smart charging. We originally addressed the topic in 2015, with a resulting white paper. Since then, the EV landscape has changed drastically, with a large increase in EV adoption and accelerated deployment of charging infrastructure. As EVs offer such significant potential for flexibility, we…

New focus. New leadership.

The flexibility market is now beyond the conceptual phase and the USEF Foundation has achieved its primary objective – to accelerate the creation of an integrated smart energy market. As a result USEF is entering a new era, where DSOs Alliander and Stedin will continue the work of the Foundation to facilitate market standardization. USEF…

New white paper: Energy & Flexibility Services for Citizens Energy Communities

Citizens Energy Communities (CECs) are becoming increasingly popular. Many communities want to become more self-reliant by investing in community renewables generation; others want to promote energy efficiency and environmental issues generally.   This paper aims to support the development and harmonization of the CEC role within the energy system and, in turn, help CECs to…

De consequenties van een duurzame energiehuishouding

De interactieve documentaire Balance of Power doet je spelenderwijs beseffen dat een massale overstap naar duurzame energie onverwachte en alarmerende gevolgen kan hebben. Het kijken naar Balance of Power is een spannende maar ook nogal onrustbarende ervaring. Na afloop overheerst een gevoel van ‘waarom wist ik dit niet?’ Kijken is niet het juiste woord eigenlijk, hoewel het…

New white paper: Flexibility Platforms

As smaller organisations and end-users increasingly seek opportunities to valorise their flexibility, and the demand for flexibility to solve grid problems grows, there is greater focus on flexibility platforms. These offer the opportunity to integrate markets and products to better facilitate and coordinate the trade, dispatch and/or settlement of demand side flexibility. This paper introduces and…

New white paper: Flexibility Value Stacking

  To increase the value of demand-side flexibility, Aggregators must be able to use the same portfolio to provide multiple services to one or multiple parties requesting flexibility i.e. value stacking. This paper introduces the design principles used to define the market model, stakeholders’ responsibilities and key interactions for the trading of flexibility and stacking…

New update 2018: Flexibility Value Chain

While it is widely acknowledged that there is an increasingly urgent need to introduce demand side flexibility in the energy system, questions remain about how to do it, where to do it, who should do it, and how participation should be remunerated. In this updated paper, we detail USEF’s position on the flexibility value chain….

Launching an interactive film about smart energy market design

Balance of Power On October 2nd, 2018, USEF Foundation launched ‘Balance of Power’, a serious game to promote better understanding of future energy market challenges  and potential solutions. The interactive documentary-based game is aimed at people with a non-technical role in the energy transition such as politicians, local authorities and entrepreneurs. The storyline evolves as players…

Framework development update

The sequence of review board meetings for the year is finalized and the USEF Design team is now working on the key design updates for USEF 2018. Elements of this work will be published in position papers and the existing framework documents will be upgraded to include new concepts. Publication is scheduled for Q4-2018 2018…

USEF and EWE sign MoU in relation to project enera

The Memorandum of Understanding relates to provision of an impact analysis to determine USEF’s fit with the creation of the Smart Market Design of SINTEG project, enera. Focus is on a verification mechanism underlying flexibility contracts. The mechanism will be demonstrated in a framework that allows flexibility to be used for multiple purposes. Philip Goldkamp,…