Aggregator workstream continues

The publication of our Aggregator workstream results in November, based on our analysis of aggregator implementation models for Demand Response for Commercial and Industrial Prosumers, has received positive feedback. We are now taking a similar approach to Residential Prosumers. Aspects of this customer segment differ from C&I Prosumers as defined below: Amount of flexibility per…

Structure follows strategy

USEF’s new approach sees the Foundation acting as an advisor, rather than a participant, in implementation projects. The organisation now consists of a small core team, focused on safeguarding the integrity of the core framework and coordinating new content development. Future framework development is foreseen as a collaborative effort of smart energy professionals across Europe, operating…

Winner of 2 Smart Energy Awards 2017

At the award ceremony of the European Smart Energy Awards in London, USEF Foundation and smart energy pilot ‘EnergieKoplopers’ have received the Energy Market Innovation of the Year Award and the Smart Energy Roll Out Innovation Award. The Smart Energy Awards are part of the Smart Energy UK & Europe Summit in London. They are…

The Aggregator Workstream publishes its results

Aggregator Workstream, consisting of an international team of experts from organisations throughout the energy value chain, have today presented the outcome of their work in an extra-long session at the EUW Summit. What are the challenges involved in implementing demand-response? Focusing on the Commercial and Industrial segment, the Workstream describes an effective approach for designing…

The value of flexibility for DSO’s

After delving into the complexity of aggregator implementation models, we are looking into starting up a similar workstream for the role of the DSO, focusing specifically at the potential value and use of flexibility. What could product design for DSO capacity/ congestion management look like? Or voltage control? How exactly does an orange regime work?…

USEF enters ‘Scalagation’

Scalagation is a German-Dutch project to develop scalable aggregation services enabling standardized flexibility trading. The consortium, consisting of two mathematics and IT research institutes, an ICT specialist, a solar project developer, an energy retailer and an energy cooperation, aims to develop, test and validate multi-layer flexibility services for the smart electricity grid. The main objective…

USEF Reference implementation

Latest version on github⁩. On September 30, we have released the latest version of our reference implementation. The reference implementation provides a complete working copy for all the roles and processes of the USEF framework as well as plugins for the framework’s business functions. Available in source code and easily extendable, it helps you save…

European smart energy standard

Collaborating towards a European smart energy standard. There is an inherent and increasingly urgent need for a common standard in smart energy. To help work towards this, we have revisited our approach as an organisation in order to ensure that it is best suited to supporting the achievement of this shared goal. A summary of…

An expanded view for DSR aggregation

While there has been much discussion between lawmakers and industry on the topic of energy flexibility aggregation, they do agree that aggregators are a crucial element of any future energy system. Exactly how aggregation will work in practice, however, remains a hotly debated issue. The primary reasons are the complexity of this issue, and the…

Denmark’s MarkedsModel 2.0

Danish energy companies, consumer organisations and authorities have been working together for some time now on setting the right scene for the country’s transition to a clean and sustainable energy future. The MarkedsModel 2.0 project is part of this initiative. Led by TSO Energinet, it has identified three key areas for new thinking in relation…