
Our final release: The Framework Explained 2021

‘USEF: The Framework Explained’ has been updated one more time to reflect the last market situations. It is our core publication that describes all the relevant components required to understand and implement a market...

New white paper

This week, we are publishing a white paper that maps the range of current flexibility products, markets and regulations deployed across Europe. These are mapped according to the USEF Flexibility Value Chain, USEF Aggregation...

User Community Meeting March 2020

The main goals of the second USEF User Community Meeting was to exchange knowledge across different USEF users to learn from each other, to involve active users in the improvements of the USEF Framework...

Practical deployment of electric vehicle flexibility

The case study: ‘Paper on practical deployment of electric vehicle flexibility’ was recently published. Smart charging, a term more frequently heard, this paper explains how smart charging is used in practice to valorize electric...

USEF Flexibility Trading Protocol Specification

This January we have launched the first version of the USEF Flexibility Trading Protocol (UFTP) specification. UFTP is a new and simplified version of USEF specifications especially focusing on the DSO-Aggregator interface, which can...

Coming soon: User community meeting

For both Dutch and international members, we are organising another User Community meeting early 2020. We will be presenting UFTP to a wider audience and discuss its implications and possible next steps together. With...

First Founding Partner Meeting

Since July of this year, USEF has entered a new phase, facilitating market standardisation under the leadership of DSOs Alliander and Stedin. Our founding partners ABB, DNV GL, IBM and ICT Group remain involved...

UFTP: simplifying the DSO-AGR interface

UFTP is our new favourite four letter abbreviation. The USEF Flex Trading Protocol is a new and simplified version of USEF specifications for the DSO-Aggregator interface. In our User Community three Dutch DSOs (Stedin,...
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