
Smart Solar Charging: District-level balancing using solar and electric vehicles

Smart Solar Charging, is a  consortium project in Utrecht, Netherlands. During periods of high solar production and low demand, surplus energy is stored in (pool) electric vehicle batteries. By the end of 2018, DSO, Stedin,...

EU market-based congestion management models

USEF’s DSO Workstream has been working since November 2016 to assess the challenges faced by European DSOs as a result of energy system transition. The primary challenge identified was how to manage current and...

Project: FUSION Scotland

Colin Taylor and Alex Walmsley work at SP Energy Networks in the UK. The company operates as both a DSO and TSO in central and southern Scotland and, as a DSO, also covers Merseyside,...

Project: DYNAMO The Netherlands

Lineke Goorix works at Liander, the Dutch network operator. The company manages a distribution network serving more than 3 million domestic and commercial customers and is heavily focused on technical innovation. She has project...

Project: Market Models Denmark

Helle Juhler-Verdoner is managing director of Danish Intelligent Energy Alliance, part of Danish Energy Association. The alliance’s vision is to bring together and encourage collaboration between all stakeholders in the future smart energy system....

In Memoriam Peter Schell

USEF Foundation deeply regrets the unexpected passing away of Peter Schell. Peter has been involved with USEF from its early days and we have benefited a lot from his subject matter expertise, his personal...

FUSION: USEF-implementation in Scotland.

The UK Office of Gas and Electricity Markets and National Regulatory body Ofgem has approved funding for SP Energy Networks five-year innovation project, called FUSION, a submission under the 2017 Electricity Network Innovation Competition...
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