The Aggregator Workstream

What is needed for optimal implementation of the aggregator role in a specific market? The Aggregator Workstream provided a comprehensive set of concrete recommended practices and issues for further consideration.


Topics include:

  1. Options for implementing the Aggregator
  2. Measurement
  3. Validation
  4. Baseline Methodologies
  5. Information exchange
  6. Energy settlement prices
  7. Combination of implicit and explicit DR
  8. Rebound effect
  9. Prequalification
  10. Identification of TSO products
  11. Standardisation of BRP-AGR contracts
  12. Data management


  • Aggregator
  • Andreas Flamm (EnerNOC)
    Peter Schell (REstore)
  • TSO
  • Ulrik Stougaard Kiil (
    Klaas Hommes (TenneT)
  • BRP
  • Valentijn Demeyer (Engie)
  • Supplier
  • Claus Fest (RWE)
  • DSO
  • Paul de Wit (Alliander)
    Poul Brath (Dong Energy)
  • USEF
  • Hans de Heer (DNV GL)
    Marten van der Laan (ICT)